• Sometimes we just need to curl up

    with a book and escape reality.

    About Me


  • Hi, I’m Emily and welcome to HerBookNook!

    What should I tell you about me?

    Well, the short answer is I’m a mom of two tiny people and a rambunctious boxer pup named Randall, wife, friend, and an avid book reader.

    The longer, more interesting answer is I’m a lot of things.  I have always had a love for reading and writing since as long as I can remember.  I mean, once you’ve read picture books as a child, there’s no turning back!  (Am I right??!)  I LOVE digging deep into a book and getting lost in the pages.  I do have a “problem” of having to finish everything I start reading.  Why is this a problem?  Well, there have been times when I start a book, get halfway through, still cannot really “enjoy it,” but have to finish it.  You know, seeing it through to the end and all.  I also must admit sometimes I cannot tear myself away and I read a book in 24 hours.  Yes, the kids are all fine- they can live off cereal bars and chips for a day.  🙂

    I am a lover of “Chick Lit” novels, I’ll admit!  I enjoy reading a good mystery and really anything I can get my hands on.  I’m not a huge fan or the scary novels since I like to sleep at night.  Right now, during this pandemic we find ourselves in, my favorite escapes seem to be the light hearted reading that I can live vicariously through.  (There’s NOTHING wrong with that!)

    I’m here to help you embrace the things I love and enjoy sinking my mind into.  One of my pet peeves is SPOILERS.  Seriously, don’t get me started on them.  I PROMISE to never spoil a book on this website.  My goal is to let you know my thoughts on the book without giving away much.  No, really, I mean it.  I don’t even read the backs of books before I read them.

    There was a book, it will be reviewed on this site of course, that I didn’t even think about reading the back of the book for.  I used to read reviews and the backs of books before this novel- that’s what its there for, right?  Well, thank goodness I didn’t because when I realized what was happening my mind was blown.  It was such a fantastic surprise.  If I would have read the abouts and reviews that surprise would have been spoiled before I even turned to the first page.

    I want this site to help foster a love of reading for my viewers.  Have a book you want me to review?  Send me a note!  Feel differently about a book I reviewed, let me know!  I cannot wait to hear from everyone.  I am in NO WAY the “voice of the literary world” and know everyone has different tastes.

    Thank you for joining me in this little book nook.  I’m looking forward to lots of fun and reading in our futures together.

    Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.”

    Joyce Carol Oates
