My Top 5 Favorite Christina Lauren Books

  • #1:  Twice in a Blue Moon

    By Christina Lauren.

    This book is what turned me onto Christina Lauren and her novels.  This is a wonderfully written novel that was almost impossible to put down.  You’ll fall in love with the characters and feel all the emotions they feel.  Do yourself a favor and READ this book.  The book will hook you early on and keep you on your toes throughout.  I need this book to be made into a movie asap, and I’m sure you’ll feel the same way once you read it as well.



  • #2:  Love and Other Words 

    By Christina Lauren.

    This book.  I LOVED it.  For real.  If you want to read a book that intertwines the past and present in a very vivid way, this is it.  If you’re a romantic at heart, read this book.  The main characters are very relatable and you will find yourself rooting for them along the way.  Super fun and easy read… another novel that would make a fantastic movie.

  • In a Holidaze.

    By Christina Lauren.

    Chick-lit at it’s best.  This book is a fun read set during the holiday season.  What could be better?  Another novel by the duo Christina Lauren that you won’t want to put down.  This book will make you laugh, cringe, smile, and feel all the emotions you want to feel when reading a book.  I really think you won’t regret reading this one!

  • #4:  The UnHoneymooners 

    By Christina Lauren.

    Sometimes you need to read a book that will give you an escape from your current reality.  This book will do just that!  The humor in this book is on point and the storyline makes it easy to read this book in less than 24 hours… (guilty).  I had a smile on my face for most of this book.  The way Christina Lauren is able to capture the perfect “imperfect” characters is why I find myself so drawn to her novels.  This is a perfect beach read or really just an “any kind of mood” read.  This novel is light and fun.

  • #5:  Autoboyography

    By Christina Lauren.

    This novel is one example of why I do NOT give spoilers during my book review.  I had no idea what this novel was about when I went to read it- which is how I ALWAYS recommend to read a book.  I really enjoyed the places this novel went to and the deep feelings it explored.  This book does dive deeper into emotions and struggles with it’s plot and characters.  I really enjoyed this book and reading about topics I don’t usually read about.  This book does have light hearted moments along with deeper ones as well.  This novel really got me thinking and feeling for the characters in this story.



  • 5 Honarable Mentions from the duo Christina Lauren. 

    By Christina Lauren.

    #6 – Josh & Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating

    #7 – The Honey-Don’t List

    #8 – My Favorite Half-Night Stand

    #9 – Dating You, Hating You

    #10 – Roomies

    The duo Christina Lauren write books that will make you forget the day to day of your own life.  They will put a smile on your face and take you to a world rich with characters and emotions.

    — HerBookNook, Emily Gray