My 5 Favorite Colleen Hoover Books (so far)…

  • #1:  It Ends With Us

    By Colleen Hoover.

    I cannot say enough great things about this book. It has skyrocketed into my all-time favorite books category. I’m sticking to my “no spoilers promise” on this review- but it’s so hard right now not to give you more details.

    Here’s what I’ll say. It’s thought provoking, unexpected, and really a page turner. I have this website for books like this. Don’t read the back cover, don’t explore what this book is really about- it might ruin it. Just trust me, get a copy and enjoy.

    Some exciting news: “word on the street” is someone bought the rights and is developing a screen play for this book. It’s going to be a movie!! It’s THAT GOOD. Read it, and then let me know if you agree.



  • #2:  Maybe Someday 

    By Colleen Hoover.

    Yet another reason why I NEVER read the back of a book. You will thank me if you can do the same with this one- I promise. (Have I led you astray yet?) This book was hard to put down. I honestly got upset when I had to stop reading to do daily tasks like eating, taking care of our dog (and kids), and answering the door to yet another Amazon delivery.

    In all seriousness, this is a great book. Colleen Hoover writes in such a way that you feel what the characters are feeling and you don’t always know who you should be rooting for. I also appreciate the twists and turns she seems to always deliver. This book is more “chick-lit” than suspense like some of her other novels, so if you want to dip your toe in slowly to Ms. Hoover, this would be a great book to start with!

  • November 9.

    By Colleen Hoover.

    Is it weird to say I chose this book based solely on never reading a book with a date for a title? Okay, not solely for this reason, I knew I liked Colleen Hoover, but I was intrigued from the start.

    Wow. Seriously, she did not disappoint with this one. This book was a little more mystery and suspense, but in a fantastic kind of way. I always felt like I knew where the book was leading, and then I would catch myself being caught off guard with the way it turned. There are still the elements of witty writing and just enough “chick-lit” to keep it light, but there is also a lot of great thinking material along the way.

    Great read for someone wanting a bit more than a rom-com kinda book. I’m really not kidding when I sing Colleen Hoover’s praises. She’s so versatile and engaging.

  • #4:  Verity 

    By Colleen Hoover.

    Let’s keep it real: this book isn’t the typical book I usually gravitate towards. Lately I’ve been in a light-hearted, fluffy feelings type of books mood – hello pandemic headspace. This book is not that. This book has a different vibe and I’m here for it. I didn’t know what I was getting into, and like always, Colleen Hoover took me somewhere unexpected.

    This book is so different from my “norm” that it surprised me how much I really enjoyed turning page after page. In all honesty, I started this one as an audiobook and didn’t quite get into it. After taking a pause, I decided to try reading the book myself and I was so glad I did. Sometimes I really enjoy audiobooks, and other times, like in this case, the actual book does a better job.

    Read this one when you’re able to handle a bit “darker” of a theme. Let me know what you think when you do!

  • #5:  Regretting You

    By Colleen Hoover.

    All the feels came out with this book. I cried, I laughed, I loved… I felt so much for these characters. It’s definitely a mix of all emotions and like all of her books, has the unexpected sprinkled in with a fantastic storyline. The characters in this book really got to me more than most; you feel all their emotions right along with them. I think this one hit home for me more than others due to life experiences and the progression this book took.

    You will not regret (get it?!) reading this novel- you will thank yourself that you did!



  • Other Colleen Hoover Books I have Read… and what I thought about them. 

    By Christina Lauren.

    6.5 stars out of 10 – Without Merit: A Novel
    This book took me a bit longer to get into. I appreciated the story but this one didn’t quite hit the mark for me the way her other books above did. You might feel differently though… this book did have heart, depth, sadness and moments where I laughed out loud. It seemed to come together for me a little over halfway through; not my favorite but definitely not the worst book I’ve read.

    5 stars out of 10 – Layla
    This one was a bit rough for me. I had a very hard time getting into these characters and the realm of what this book entailed. If you are looking for something very unexpected and surprising, this book might be more for you. Don’t be discouraged by my rating if that’s the case; books hit so differently with each reader. Good news is, you know you will be reading a well written book since its from Colleen Hoover.

    6 stars out of 10 – Novella – Maybe Not
    **Read this novella only AFTER reading Maybe Someday. It’s a short story about characters in the same novel happening alongside the Maybe Someday story.

    Colleen Hoover has an art for creating heartfelt characters and page turning storylines.

    — HerBookNook, Emily Gray