The Art of Audiobooks

I consider myself pretty old school when it comes to many things.  Reading, for one, if something that I always pictured as physically holding the book, sorry Kindle, and turning the pages.  I love the nostalgia of actually holding a book, and (surprise) reading it.

It wasn’t until we frantically decided to sell our house and make a move we’ve been wanting to make for quite a few years that I discovered the art of the audiobooks.  It started out innocent enough.  I wanted something to do other than listen to my same playlist on Spotify for the 100th time while purging and packing our house.  I discovered our library rented audiobooks and I figured what was the harm of giving it a shot.

Best.  Decision.  Ever.

For someone who is Type A, likes to multitask, and wanted to get the most out of my time, this was a gamechanger.  If you haven’t dipped your toe into the land of audiobooks, I highly recommend taking the plunge.  Don’t worry; I still prefer the real physical books, but from time to time, a little listening to the pages come alive is a nice change.

Being read to is a really intimate thing:  A human connection at a time when a lot of people are feeling isolated.

— Duncan Honeyman

Times to Embrace Audiobooks

While packing up a house for a move…tested by me, promised by me to help you not lose your mind completely.

While walking your dog. 
It made me go further than I usually would to finish a chapter and (BONUS) got the pup more tired out as well.

While waiting in the school car line. 
Nothing better than laughing alone in your car while other parents look at you concerned. 
This also is fun when you start randomly crying as well- keeps the social circle smaller which I secretly love.

While folding laundry. 
Throw in the airpods, fold away, and have less angry thoughts about all of the laundry your 2 children create…..
I still think there is an army of children living with us whose sole purpose is to dirty clothes for me to wash.


Give audiobooks a shot! Not all audiobooks are created or um, shall I say READ, equally, but they can transform the mundane daily activities into a sort of multitasking magical fell.

— herbooknook
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